

Remedial steps

Cutting Edge



A Polymyositis Investigation

This page is a compilation of my thoughts and references about polymyositis and related auto-immune disorders. I am writing in green. People I am quoting are in black.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor, and I have created this page for my own use and to organize my thoughts. Although the tests quoted are done by medical and science professionals, there may be other tests with conflicting results that I am not aware of, and the conclusions I draw may not be warranted. Therefore anyone reviewing this information should use it for educational purposes only, and confirm any conclusions with independant medical authority before 'trying anything at home'.

If you need general information about polymyositis, what it is and generally accepted therapy, I suggest you start by reading the wikipaedia article. It's brevity is a good indication of the paucity of research that has been done on this disease. When you are ready to dig in a little deeper, this great article from the journal of Rhumatology (F. Miller 2007)1 gives a lot of excellent information, and a huge list of references.

Despite the rarity of the disease and consequent lack of research, some research has been done, and I hope to draw some pertinent parts of it together here as best I can.

I invite articles, references, and corrections. We shall see how far I get.

Certainly polymyositis is a complex disease, with many possible contributing factors. I note one article that states "Dermatomyositis and polymyositis are...multi-specialty disorders, and patients with these diseases are treated by rheumatologists, neurologists, dermatologists, and specialists in internal medicine."  And later "Myositis is a true multi-specialty disorder, and it must be recognised as such by all who deal with myositis patients." (Hengstman, Baziel 2004)2

Causes Although 'the cause' of ideopathic Polymyositis is not known, there are many things that have been known to cause polymyositis, or polymyositis like symptoms. Shortlisting the known possible causes and eliminating them as potential reoccurring triggers seems like a reasonable idea, and can certainly do no harm.

Remedial Steps

Anti Oxidants could be important in reducing oxidative stress, an important part of PM. Boosting glutathione as a way of combating oxidative stress.

Balancing, or modulating, the immune system. If the disease is indeed an auto-immune disease as many believe, then balancing the immune system would appear to be of great importance.

Endocrine System Balance

Lymphatic cleansing Muscle degradation can cause a back-up of the lymphatic system. Keeping the lymph system clear should reduce morbidity.

Nutrients may play a vital role in maintaining maximum strength and minimum damage.

Physical Therapy may serve to reduce damage and help retain flexibility.

Reducing Systemic Inflammation As an inflammatory myopathy, elevated inflammation is a hallmark of this disease, and its reduction may be key to successful therapy.

Cutting Edge Therapies Such as IVIG and Stem Cell therapy show promise, but are they still too risky?

  1. Miller, Frederick 2007, Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies, ACP Medicine RHEUMATOLOGY:VI found at http://doctorsforafghanistan.com/Artical/Inflamatory%20Myopathies.pdf
  2. Hengstman G, Baziel, G. Polymyositis, invasion of non-necrotic muscle fibres, and the art of repitition. BMJ 2004;329:1464. Found at www.bmj.com/content/329/7480/1464