

Remedial steps

Cutting Edge


Endocrine System

The endocine system is one of the less-understood systems of the body, yet it controls many of the body's functions. The endocrine system includes the hypothalamus, the pituitary, pineal, pancreas, thyroid, thymus, ovaries and testes.

Two organs that stand out for immediate attention in looking for solutions to polymyositis are the Thyroid and the Thymus.


There is a type of Polymyositis that is related to the thyroid. It is usually called a "polymyositis like syndrome", and differs from polymyositis is some features, but largely by the fact that when the thyroid is regulated to proper TSH levels the symptoms of polymyositis disappear. There are also differences on biopsy.

However the very fact that thyroid deficiency can cause polymyositis like symptoms does lead one to suspect that an endocrine disorder may be linked to polymyositis. "Thyroid disorders are clinically relevant in patients with inflammatory myopathies" (Selva-O'Callaghan 2007). Read more about the thyroid's influence...


Autoimmune disease is typified by the body's failing to distinguish correctly between 'self' and 'non-self', resulting in the immune system attacking the patient's body. This attack can be done by different types of cells, but often it is accomplished by cytotoxic T cells. In Polymyositis, the +CT8 cells seem particularly the agent of destruction. The +CT8 cells are originally 'naive' meaning untargeted, but are educated on what to attack in the bone marrow and especially in the Thymus gland. As the thymus atrophies gradually after puberty, most of the immune systems education occurs before puberty, and most auto-immune disease occurs after puberty, when the immune system is not so easy to educate.

New therapies aimed at regenerating the thymus are an interesting facet of the struggle to overcome autoimmune diseases in general. Read more about the thymus...

Balancing the endocrine system

If the endocrine system can be brought into balance, many body systems may return to normal function. While there is no known drug that will accomlish this, there is an interesting nutritional approach pioneered by Dr. Kiriac, formerly Director of Veterinary Nutrition for the USSR. Dr. Kiriac has developed a combination of 4 algaes designed to nourish the hypocampus, the pituitary, and thus influence and balance the whole system. The product line is called "BioSuperfoods" and the product "F3" has been producing some extrodiary results in balancing endocrine disorders. Highly recommended. Many tests and awards, but unfortunately all the test data I can find is in Russian. The site is www.bioage.com. Not Multi-level. I am very impressed with this product and am ading it to the suggested regimen.


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